Between 5 to 10 innovative products per year
The group develops on average between 5 to 10 innovative products per year.
Both the French and the American groups drive products forward, which are then most often, relayed and supported by specialized Chinese teams.
In France, the R&D group relies on the sales department and its on-the-ground experience, the product department for technical expertise, and general management for the global and synthetic analysis of needs.
The organization is identical to the US and there is constant communication between France and the USA, in order to widen the field of knowledge and the optimized project implementation as best possible.
The keyword of R&D is always to seek intelligent and environmentally responsible innovation
The French and American groups rely on the Chinese group to complete the programs.
The keyword of R&D is always to seek intelligent and environmentally responsible innovation, in the shortest possible time, by simplifying the flows of communication to foster reactivity specific to small business structures.
There are family links and R&D members from the three countries meet regularly at their respective sites.

2 main points
For the tooling part, in addition to the three French graphic designers, the Chinese plant includes R&D workshop with two graphic designers, an injection mold design specialist, two engineers and a project manager, orchestrating all the programs.
In textile R&D, tests and trials are carried out in laboratory, complemented by a controlled atmosphere room. The textile laboratory is also equipped with all the test machines: friction, absorption, dye fastness tests, etc., as well as a miniature dyeing line dedicated to samples, with its mini finishing machines. In addition, the laboratory has two circular knitting machines, which are also useful for sampling.
Under the leadership of a textile project manager, four textile engineers and two laboratory technicians bring the test requests of the French and American R&D groups to life.

Thanks to its washing and drying machines, the laboratory is also necessary for production tests, in parallel with developments. It is also an essential tool for the Quality Department, either for use checks during production, or for any analyses or confirmations requested by customers.
Archiving and sampling room house the prototypes memories and project results.
Our laboratory operates according to international standards such as ASTM, ISO, AATCC, JIS*, etc..., as well as REACH. These tests are verified by regular checks carried out in France by the official IFTH laboratory.
We also carry out our internal tests according to the MSA principles and R&R** pledge.
Finally, Concept Manufacturing takes great care to protect its intellectual property and that of its customers.
More than 50 patents internationally
The group has filed more than 50 patents internationally, and even more trademarks and designs.
The legal department of Concept Manufacturing Europe works closely with the same department in China and the USA, and makes its experience available to clients who so wish.
Confidentiality is guaranteed at all stages of design and manufacturing.
Monitoring and surveillance are also carried out on the web, but also on the ground, thanks to the sales team, which is particularly aware of this vital issue.
*American Association of Textile Chemist & Colorist, American Society for Testing & Materials, Japanese Industrial Standard
** Measurement System Analysis, Gauge Repeatability & reproducibility